Anniversary event: 85 years since the birth of Arkady Nekrasov

On May 18, Petrovax hosted a scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 85th anniversary of its founder, Arkady Nekrasov.
The event welcomed the relatives and colleagues of Arkady Nekrasov, an outstanding scientist, Dr. habil. chem., Professor, State Prize laureate, creator of unique original drugs and founder of Petrovax, one of the top Russian pharmaceutical companies.
Leading specialists and scientists spoke about his contribution to the development of Russian science and the pharmaceutical industry. Dr. Nekrasov synthesized a new class of high-molecular compounds, which has no analogues in terms of structure and properties: a class of heterochain aliphatic polyamines. This discovery made it possible to create original drugs and vaccines, now used in various medical applications in Russia and abroad.
Natalia Puchkova, PhD in Chemistry, former Deputy General Director of Petrovax, said that the new drug had marked a new chapter in the history of mankind.
Valery Svistushkin, Dr. habil. med., Professor, Head of the Department, Director of the Clinic of Ear, Nose and Throat Diseases, I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, commented that the drug is successfully used to treat ENT diseases, including in children.
Andrey Malyavin, Dr. habil. med., Professor, Chief External Pulmonologist of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation in the Central Federal District, said that the use of Polyoxidonium reduced the duration of fever and intoxication, muscle and joint pain, symptoms of inflammation of the respiratory tract in children up to 2 days.
In addition to its application as part of complex therapy targeting various diseases, Polyoxidonium can act as an “adjuvant” enhancing the potency of influenza vaccines. This is why the drug was added as a component to the Grippol vaccine group (Grippol® Plus, Grippol® Quadrivalent). Nikolay Briko, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Dr. habil. med., Professor, Head of the Department of Epidemiology and Evidence-based Medicine of F. F. Erisman Institute of Public Health, I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, presented his report and stressed the fact that Petrovax created the first domestic adjuvanted influenza vaccine in 1996. Subsequently, Russia's first preservative-free influenza vaccine followed, which is now registered in 8 countries. Next, 2018 saw the launch of Grippol® Quadrivalent, the first domestic preservative-free quadrivalent vaccine in syringe doses that can be used in children from 6 months of age.

Today, Grippol vaccines are known in many countries in the world and are used in government immunization programs.
Mikhail Kostinov, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Dr. habil. med., Professor, Head of the Laboratory for Allergic Disease Prevention and Immunotherapy, I. Mechnikov NIIVS, presented data from studies assessing the safety and immunogenicity of the Grippol vaccines family, including for at-risk groups. Grippol® vaccines effectively induce not only humoral but also cellular immune responses.
The company's portfolio gradually expanded. About 20 years ago, the company launched the enzyme drug Longidaza® in the market, which is now widely used in gynecology, urology, pulmonology, phthisiology, surgery and rheumatology to treat fibrosis.
Galina Ignatova, Dr. habil. med., Professor, Chief External Pulmonologist of the Urals Federal District, noted that fibrosis treatment options became a real problem during the pandemic. Many patients suffering from acute infection eventually developed severe changes in the lungs. Long before the pandemic, there were publications demonstrating anti-inflammatory and antifibrotic properties of Longidaza, but it was unclear how it would perform in the case of coronavirus-infected lungs. A clinical trial conducted in 2021 revealed that the drug was able to break up fibrosis foci and improve lung function[1].
Safar Gamidov, Dr. habil. med., Professor, Head of the Urology and Andrology Department, FSBI NMRC, reported on Longidaza applications to correct reproductive disorders in men.
Azoospermia affects up to 10% of men with infertility and 1% of the general male population. This condition deters natural conception, thus, surgical reconstruction of the seminiferous tract is required. Its enzymatic activity and anti-inflammatory effect make Longidaza® an option from the first day of postoperative therapy.
He lived his life following the ‘Dare to Dare’ motto, taking risks in each and every endeavor.
Petrovax President shared the company's plans to develop international projects and exports. Petrovax products are close to have their registration completed in Egypt. The company is focused on discovering new products as well as maintaining existing developments.

1 https://grlsbase.ru/clinicaltrails/clintrail/12372