Polyoxidonium® included in the updated Clinical Guidelines of the Russian Ministry of Health on the Influenza Prevention and Treatment in Adults

The Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation has updated the clinical guidelines for influenza in adults[1] to include the azoximer bromide drug (Polyoxidonium®). This medicine is indicated for the prevention of infection and treatment of mild and moderate uncomplicated forms of influenza in the outpatient settings.

The end of 2022 was marked by a rapid growth in the incidence of influenza in Russia. According to Rospotrebnadzor, from January to October 2022, it increased 11 times to 7.87 cases per 100 thousand people[2]. And the situation is still unstable: at the end of the year, the weekly rise in the incidence rate exceeded 35%[2].

In January, the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation approved a new version of the clinical guidelines for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of influenza in adults, which changes the information on the incubation period of the disease, clarifies the symptoms of influenza and high-risk groups, and adds new drugs for the treatment of the disease and vaccines to prevent influenza. The document includes Polyoxidonium® (azoximer bromide), a Russian drug, which helps strengthen the barrier protection of mucous membranes against infection, increase the body’s resistance to viruses, reduce inflammation and intoxication.

The original drug has been widely used in clinical practice in both Russia and in the world for more than 25 years and is included in the vital and essential medicines list. Earlier, the product was included into the Federal Medical-Biological Agency Guidelines titled “Influenza and other ARVI during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic: prevention and treatment” of 2022 as an option for the treatment and prevention of influenza and ARVI[3].

According to Rospotrebnadzor, several flu viruses are currently circulating in Russia (A(H1N1)-2009 strain, the so-called “swine flu”, prevails; A(H3N2) and B flu strains are also registered). The updated version contains an expert notion regarding the specific prevention of influenza, i.e. influenza vaccines, including inactivated vaccines with azoximer bromide adjuvant (Grippol® plus, Grippol® Quadrivalent), protecting against several strains at once.

Vaccines of #Grippol group have extensive and long-term evidence base and are included in immunization programs of several countries. In more than 25 years of mass immunization over 400 million people have been successfully immunized with these vaccines.

According to Rospotrebnadzor data, 74 million people were vaccinated, i.e. almost 52% of the total population of the Russian Federation[4].

1 https://cr.minzdrav.gov.ru/recomend/749_1

2 https://rospotrebnadzor.ru/about/info/news/news_details.php?ELEMENT_ID=23663

3 https://fmba.gov.ru/upload/iblock/e94/ae892ecoprkk8gthhwl3lzr2etrhurv6/MR-FMBA-Gripp-i-ORVI_utv.pdf

4 https://rospotrebnadzor.ru/about/info/news/news_details.php?ELEMENT_ID=23663

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