Current Issues of Pediatrics: 18th Congress of Russian Pediatricians with international participation


On February 17–19, Petrovax Pharm took an active part in the 18th Congress of Russian Pediatricians with international participation «Current Issues of Pediatrics» at the World Trade Center (Moscow). The congress attracted more than 5,000 Russian and foreign pediatricians, scientists, nurses, and children’s health officials.


The agenda included the issues of children’s medical care services; protection of reproductive health of children and adolescents; healthy and sick children’s nutrition; vaccination; high-tech diagnostic and treatment methods for children’s diseases; school medicine; children’s surgery, etc.

On February 18, within the congress framework, a scientific and practical symposium «Barrier for infections» sponsored by Petrovax Pharm was held. The symposium was chaired by Academician Yury v. Lobzin, an infectious disease specialist, Director of Research Institute of Children’s Diseases of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency. A wide scope of issues related to children’s diseases and respiratory infection prevention were discussed. The speakers included KOLs in pediatrics, immunology, and vaccination.

The congress’ research and practical agenda was supplemented by the 24th International Medical Exhibition «Maternal and Child Health’2017. Petrovax Pharm presented current information on its product range for respiratory infection treatment and prevention, i.e. Polyoxidonium, an original medication that, in physicians’ opinion, was the best immunomodulator in ARVI in children[1]; and influenza vaccine Grippol plus more than 100 million doses of which were used for the vaccination of the children and adult population in Russia over the past 8 years. This preservative-free vaccine with a high safety profile is widely used to immunize children and pregnant women within the framework of the National Immunization Schedule.

[1] Polyoxidonium® won the Russian Pharma Awards 2016 in the category «Immunomodulator of choice in acute respiratory infection in sickly children».

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Polyoxidonium® wins Russian Pharma Awards 2016 as the best ARVI immunomodulator in children