Petrovax hosts a visit by State University of Management students

On March 24, the Petrovax production facility held an open day for a group of State University of Management (GUU) students. The group is going through the "Management in Health Care" educational program under the leadership of Viktor Mikhailovich Cherepov, Vice-President of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, Head of the Department of the State University of Management, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor and Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation.
The future specialists visited the Petrovax biopharmaceutical enterprise in the Moscow region and had a unique opportunity to see with their own eyes how modern pharmaceutical production works, as well as talk with company executives and employees.
Senior executives of the company told the guests about the fine details of management processes in the field of pharmaceutical production and R&D.

Larisa Dukhina, Production Director of the Petrovax plant, in turn presented detailed information about the work of the enterprise, which operates in full compliance with Russian and international GMP standards. The guests got acquainted with the processes taking place at each of the production sites and saw how medicine is produced in its various forms: pre-filled syringes, ampules, vials, tablets and suppositories.
The future professionals also learned how a quality management system is organized to grant a high level of product safety and efficiency, and provide quality control at every stage of the product life cycle.
Petrovax employees told the students about corporate life in the company and its various initiatives. These include educational lectures, charity and social projects, and programs in the field of ecology. For example, the company has been running a Green Committee for over a year. Its members support the conscious consumption of resources, introduce eco-technologies to create a favorable working environment.
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