In Europe, the results of the latest study on the adjuvant role as an influenza vaccine ingredient were presented

International experts assessed efficacy and safety of Grippol® vaccines containing Polyoxidonium as an adjuvant

In early April, Edinburgh was the venue of the 7th international conference ‘INFLUENZA VACCINES FOR THE WORLD’ concerning flu prevention issues.
Alexey Matveichev, Head of Immunopharmacology at Petrovax Pharm, presented the results of the latest study on the role of Polyoxidonium as an adjuvant in Grippol® vaccines. The audience put a strong focus on Grippol® Quadrivalent, the first 4-valent adjuvanted vaccine providing for protection against four flu virus strains.
For more than two decades, since 1996, Petrovax Pharm has developed and produced adjuvanted influenza vaccines containing Polyoxidonium -the unique adjuvant platform.
Polyoxidonium, developed by Russian scientists, allows to decrease the antigen load in vaccines thus making vaccination safer. At the same time, in terms of efficacy, Grippol® vaccines meet the highest applicable criteria, both international and Russian. At the Edinburgh conference, the Russian experts shared with their colleagues the history of multi-year research efforts and presented the results of Polyoxidonium use as a component of the novel vaccine Grippol® Quadrivalent. The novelty of the latest study is demonstration of Polyoxidonium’s ability to promote maturation of dendritic cells responsible for the initiation of adaptive immune responses. As a result, the immune system recognizes foreign protein and produces antibodies to protect the host against invasion of infectious agents. Thus, Polyoxidonium as an adjuvant in influenza vaccines modulates immune responses and providing for vaccines’ efficacy and immunogenicity at low antigen doses.
Besides, the adjuvant platform provides the ability for tripling the vaccine manufacturing, if required. This is important, as currently preparedness for the next inevitable influenza pandemic is one of the key concerns in the focus of attention of the international community. Consequently, special attention is put on the population coverage with pandemic vaccines as soon as possible, while the relevance of using adjuvants for the implementation of an antigen-saving technology and an increase in the vaccine supply become worldwide priorities. This issue is especially pressing this year because the WHO was pretty much late announcing the virus strains to be included into influenza vaccines for the 2019-2020 epidemic season.

The data on Polyoxidonium mechanisms of action in vaccines obtained by the Russian researchers have been confirmed by FluConsult, an independent European company. Ronald Kompier, FluConsult’s Managing Director, presented at the Edinburgh conference a review of clinical data accumulated for more than 20 years of the use of Grippol® vaccines.

. The expert concluded that 30 clinical trials in more than 11.5 thousand subjects across a variety of age groups have proved that Grippol® vaccines containing hemagglutinin 5 µg and Polyoxidonium as an adjuvant provide for as strong immune response as vaccines containing hemagglutinin 15 µg. It is Polyoxidonium that boosts safety and efficacy of Russian Grippol® vaccines.
Importantly, Grippol® vaccines are currently the only local influenza vaccines with so high evidence level recognized by the international community.

For information
INFLUENZA VACCINES FOR THE WORLD conference series focuses on ‘Influenza Vaccination Issues’ and is an international forum for world renowned experts in the field of influenza vaccines and related issues (adjuvants/delivery/vaccination strategies) to report on the latest data and trends associated with current and new influenza vaccines/technologies and their availability/delivery/implementation worldwide as well as epidemiology surveillance and risks of potential new influenza epidemics.
NPO Petrovax Pharm is a prizewinner of the Award «Russian Business Guide. People of the year».