Information circular on supplies of anti-flu vaccines in the 2015–2016 season
In anticipation of the 2015–2016 epidemic flu season, NPO Petrovax Pharm informs the market players of its readiness to secure supplies of the Russian Grippol® Plus influenza vaccine.
The Grippol® Plus vaccine is the latest generation trivalent inactivated subunit influenza vaccine (INN: Vaccine influenza virus [inactivated] + Azoximer bromide). The vaccine contains purified antigens of the latest flu strains, as recommended by the WHO for the 2015–2016 epidemic season. A single dose of Grippol® Plus contains 5 mcg of haemagglutinin epidemiologically relevant strains of influenza type A (H1N1 and H3N2) and type B viruses, and 500 mcg of Polyoxidonium immunoadjuvant that lowers the viral antigen content thus evoking a strong immune response in vaccinated individuals in all population groups.
The medicine is preservative-free, as recommended by the WHO, and is manufactured under the international GMP standards. The Grippol® Plus clinical trials run under the Good Clinical Practice international standards have proven its high safety profile and strong efficacy on par with its best foreign peers.
This year, the vaccine is planned to be supplied in two forms, including pre-filled syringes and ampoules. With its production capacities, Petrovax is in a position to accommodate all vaccine orders in a timely and efficient manner. The vaccine supplies will be launched as early as September 2015.
The Grippol® Plus vaccine is used in babies starting from 6 months of age and adults, pregnant women, seniors, and people with chronic somatic diseases, including bronchial asthma, diabetes, allergic disorders (except for the egg protein intolerance), central nervous system (CNS) diseases, congenital or acquired immunodeficiencies, etc.
Petrovax Pharm is a long-time and trusted partner of the Russian Ministry of Health within the framework of the influenza and pneumococcal immunisation programme as part of the National Immunisation Schedule.
The Grippol® Plus production and supply comply with the main goals of the 2020 federal targeted programme aimed at providing the Russian healthcare system with domestically produced innovative pharmaceutical and medical products and substituting imported medicines.
If you are interested in Grippol® Plus or require advice or assistance on any matters pertaining to bulk orders, please contact the NPO Petrovax Pharm Commercial Department at gripp@petrovax.ru or by phone: +7 495 984 2753 (ext. 176, ext. 175, ext. 152, ext 166).