our competitive advantages
Original and in-demand portfolio of innovative products; patents for new molecules and pharmaceutical manufacturing technologies in Russia and abroad
High-tech biotechnological fill-cycle manufacturing in accordance with the EAEU and EU GMP standards: from the synthesis of the APIs to the release of FDF
R&D investment program and conducting international multicenter clinical trials of original products
Experience in implementing international projects in the production and R&D fields in cooperation with Big Pharma companies: Pfizer, Abbott, Boehringer Ingelheim, ISU Abxis
2008a unique biopharmaceutical project in the scientific and industrial spheres
In cooperation with Abbott, a biopharmaceutical project to build a modern pharmaceutical complex for the development and production of immunobiological drugs in the Moscow region has been successfully implemented. In 2008, for the first time in Russia, the release of influenza vaccine Grippol® plus in disposable syringes without the preservative thiomersal was launched. It is one of the most exported influenza vaccines in Russia1 and is part of the state immunization programs of several countries.

2014the first project on import substitution of high-tech vaccines in Russia
In partnership with Pfizer, a project was implemented for the first time to introduce the technology for the full cycle of production of finished dosage forms, control and quality assurance of the

Boehringer Ingelheim
2017localization of biopharmaceutical drugs for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases
Throughout cooperation with the international company Boehringer Ingelheim, the local production of Actilyse® and Metalyse® drugs for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases were introduced to the acute phase of heart attacks and ischemic strokes treatment. The use of these drugs today is the "gold standard"3 of thrombolytic therapy. Petrovax is the second site in the world to produce innovative Boehringer Ingelheim thrombolytics.

2022technology transfer of the full cycle production of the drugs for the treatment of orphan disease, including substance synthesis
In cooperation with the South Korean company ISU Abxis, a project on localization of full-cycle production of agalsidase beta (Fabagal medicine) for the Fabry disease treatment is being implemented. Fabry is an orphan disease, which belongs to the group of lysosomal storage diseases and in the absence of timely diagnosis and therapy it leads to early disability and premature death of patients. As a result of the project, Petrovax will synthesize the substance and produce the finished dosage form.