Moscow Urological School: reproductive health in the spotlight

On April 18-19, Moscow welcomed the 18th Moscow Urological School, inviting experts to discuss the latest research in therapy of reproductive system diseases.

Safar Gamidov, Dr. habil. med., Professor, Head of the Department of Andrology and Urology, National Medical Research Center for Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology Named after Academician V. I. Kulakov of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, reported on diagnostics, therapy and postoperative rehabilitation of patients with azoospermia.

Azoospermia - or the absence of spermatozoa in the ejaculate - essentially makes natural conception impossible. This disease affects up to 10% of men with infertility and 1% of the general male population. Azoospermia is the result of both congenital and external factors: trauma, surgical interventions, consequences of infections or exposure to unfavorable environmental conditions.

Regardless of the cause, reconstruction of the seminiferous tract requires surgical intervention. According to the expert, the key factors ensuring successful treatment in such patients are, firstly, the coordinated interdisciplinary interaction of specialists from different specialties, and secondly, patient compliance with recommendations at each stage of the diagnostic, treatment and recovery processes. When it comes to reproductive function reconstruction, prevention of postoperative cicatrices is of utmost importance here. According to the expert, leading specialists prescribe Longidaza® as part of complex therapy after surgical reconstruction of the seminiferous tract. Its enzymatic activity and anti-inflammatory effect allow healthcare professionals to prescribe the drug from the first day of postoperative therapy[1].

The experts discussed treatment methods for benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), a disease that occurs in 50% of men over 50 years of age[2]. Pavel Rasner, Dr. habil. med., Professor, Chief Physician of the Clinical Medical Center, Higher School of Clinical Medicine Named after N.A. Semashko, presented findings of a study exploring the properties of Longidaza® when used as part of combined therapy to treat patients with lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) and suffering from BPH. A complex treatment regimen supplemented with Longidaza® ensured faster symptom resolution and improved the quality of life of participants compared to the baseline.

Konstantin Tevlin, PhD in Medicine, Head of the Educational Unit of the Department, Associate Professor of the Department at Pirogov National Medical and Surgical Center, talked about women's health. Urinary tract infections (UTI) in women rank 3rd among the most common infections after GIT inflammations and ARD. In Russia, 26-36 million cases of cystitis are registered annually. No less than 20-25% of women experience at least one instance of UTI in their life, with every third woman suffering from a recurrent episode within a year and 10% developing a chronic recurrent form [3],[4],[5].

Main reasons include anatomical features, poor hygiene and hypothermia, physiological changes and sexual contacts. The risk group consists of pre-school girls, young ladies, women over 45 years old and office workers as sedentary work leads to congestion in the pelvic organs.

Antibiotics are the primary tools used to treat UTIs, but experts claim that if these are prescribed frequently, patients become even more resistant to this type of therapy, making it less and less effective. The dietary supplement Uronext is a well-established option to treat UTIs in their onset stage and within a complex therapy. The combination of D-mannose, cranberry extract and vitamin D helps to fight many UTI pathogens, including Escherichia coli, and to reduce the risk of recurrences.

1 Instructions for use of Longidaza

2 Roehrborn C.G. Pathology of benign prostatic hyperplasia. International Journal of Impotence Research, 2008, 20, 11-18

3 Najar M. S., Saldanha C. L., Banday K. A. Approach to urinary tract infections //Indian journal of nephrology. – vol. 19. – No. 4. – p. 129

4 Benko R. et al. Treatment of Cystitis by Hungarian General Practitioners: a Prospective Observational Study //Frontiers in Pharmacology. – 2019. – vol. 10. – p. 1498

5 Clinical recommendations. Bacterial cystitis in adults. ICD-10: N30.0/N30.1/N30.2/N30.8. Age category: adults
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